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News and Blog

August 19, 2020 | Medium

To Commit Means to Measure

The headlines all read something like this: VC has a diversity problem. Today, let’s turn that around and say it the way it should read: VC has a homogeneity problem. At Vitalize, when formulating our organizational diversity goals, the question became, how do we measure up? Are we contributing to and perpetuating the homogeneity problem? We shared the beginning of our process in our last post,...
August 11, 2020 | Medium

We’ve Always Believed that Black Lives Matter. This is the Work We’re Doing to Prove it.

No, you didn’t miss it. Following the murder of George Floyd, and as American streets filled with Black Lives Matter protests, there was a steady stream of company statements. Firms publicly proclaimed their support for the BLM movement, held forth their wishes for racial equality, and many shared their company goals to combat systemic racism. More than two months later, this is Vitalize Vent...
June 23, 2020 | Medium

The Millennial Ambassador Program Presented by Vitalize Venture Group

Venture capital and angel investing present the powerful opportunity to invest in exciting new startups that are driving real change, creating solutions that would be unimaginable years ago. Perhaps the most important part of the investment process is due diligence. Despite its importance, we have noticed a gap within the due diligence process related to age. This gap has led to inefficiency in a...
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